Smartset-Load® is an innovative device embedded on the axle which permanently monitors the axle stresses, providing to the cloud continuously updated load spectra. Smartset-Load® was developed in order to provide reliable stress data representative of real long-term service conditions, to be used for crack propagation calculations with the scope of defining a scientific-based and appropriate NDT inspection interval.
Previous publications have shown that in general NDT intervals can be enlarged with respect to the very conservative ones defined by experience in the maintenance manuals, but also that their values depend very much on the specific characteristics of the track network.
The present paper focuses on the developments in the analysis of the load spectra with respect to their evolution in the long period and to the geo-localization of the higher load levels allowing to identify increasing trends of the stresses at the same location, indicating possible deterioration of the track and the need for inspection and maintenance on the infrastructure.
Thanks to these last developments, Smartset-Load® becomes a useful tool not only for rolling stock maintenance managers and wheelset and bogie designers but also for infrastructure maintenance managers.